Small Hub


Per Month
1GB Storage
10GB Bandwidth
1 FTP Account
5 Email Accounts
1 MySQL Database

Big Hub


Per Month
5GB Storage
50GB Bandwidth
5 FTP Accounts
5 Email Accounts
5 MySQL Databases

Huge Hub


Per Month
15GB Storage
100GB Bandwidth
15 FTP Accounts
15 Email Accounts
15 MySQL Databases
Fully Supported

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry

Lightning Fast Servers

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry

Uptime Guarantee

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry

Additional Tools

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry

Secure your site with an SSL Certificate

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing industry for evaluation purposes


Per Year
Domain Validation
5 minute issuance
$10,000 warranty
Free Installation


Per Year
Domain Validation
5 minute issuance
$10,000 warranty
Free Installation


Per Year
Domain Validation
5 minute issuance
$10,000 warranty
Free Installation


Per Year
Domain Validation
5 minute issuance
$10,000 warranty
Free Installation

99.99% Uptime
Moneyback Guarantee

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text used in the printing and typeset industry and is used as a placeholder text.

Technical Support

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text used in the printing and typeset industry and is used as a placeholder text.

Auto Monitored
Server Protection

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text used in the printing and typeset industry and is used as a placeholder text.

Easy to use
Website Analytics

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text used in the printing and typeset industry and is used as a placeholder text.

100% Unlimited
Incoming Bandwidth

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text used in the printing and typeset industry and is used as a placeholder text.

User Friendly
Management Panel

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text used in the printing and typeset industry and is used as a placeholder text.